Got to admit our way of life will change exponentially in the future.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Ray Kurzweil Prediction's For The Future
by Brokeback Watchtower intype his name into your search engine.
he's seems to gave a pretty good track record.. ray kurzweil.
american author.
Ray Kurzweil Prediction's For The Future
by Brokeback Watchtower intype his name into your search engine.
he's seems to gave a pretty good track record.. ray kurzweil.
american author.
Brokeback Watchtower
Type his name into your search engine. He's seems to gave a pretty good track record.
Ray Kurzweil
American Author
Raymond Kurzweil is an American inventor, and futurist. He is involved in fields such as optical character recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, speech recognition technology, and electronic keyboard instruments. He has written books on health, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, the technological singularity, and futurism. Kurzweil is a public advocate
So I think he could be somewhat of an authority on the subjects he speaks about.
The Age of Intelligent Machines[edit]
Kurzweil's first book, The Age of Intelligent Machines, was published in 1990. It forecast the demise of the already crumpling Soviet Union due to new technologies such as cellular phones and fax machines disempowering authoritarian governments by removing state control over the flow of information.[1] In 2005, Mikhail Gorbachev told Kurzweil that emerging decentralized electronic communication "was a big factor" for fostering democracy in the Soviet Union.[2]
Kurzweil extrapolated the performance of chess software to predict that computers would beat the best human players "by the year 2000".[3] In May 1997 chess World Champion Garry Kasparov was defeated by IBM's Deep Blue computer in a well-publicized chess tournament.[4]
Perhaps most significantly, Kurzweil foresaw the explosive growth in worldwide Internet use that began in the 1990s.[5] At the time of the publication of The Age of Intelligent Machines, there were only 2.6 million Internet users in the world,[6] and the medium was often unreliable outside academic, military, corporate and other heavily invested settings, difficult for non-technical users to use, and mostly lacking a broad range of content. He also stated that the Internet would explode not only in the number of users but in content as well, eventually granting users access "to international networks of libraries, data bases, and information services".[This quote needs a citation] Additionally, Kurzweil correctly foresaw that the preferred mode of Internet access would inevitably be through wireless systems, and he was also correct to estimate that the latter would become practical for widespread use in the early 21st century.[citation needed]
The Age of Spiritual Machines[edit]
In 1999, Kurzweil published a second book titled The Age of Spiritual Machines, which goes into more depth explaining his futurist ideas. The third and final section of the book is devoted to elucidating the specific course of technological advancements Kurzweil believes the world will experience over the next century. Titled "To Face the Future", the section is divided into four chapters respectively named "2009", "2019", "2029", and "2099". For every chapter, Kurzweil issues predictions about what life and technology will be like in that year.[citation needed]
Is it POSSIBLE that Mars is filled with delicious CHEESE?
by Nathan Natas inperhaps not, but some of my posts may be!.
prepare for touchdown on mars!
good luck, mars insight probe!.
Brokeback Watchtower
Maybe just the crust of Mars might be cheese but not neccesarily delicious that may all depend on if you're a Martian with taste buds that love that kind of powdery martian cheese. But don't expect any creamy center for Mars made of molten cheese, I expect some heavy metals at its core.
Thanks giving
by zeb ini wish a happy thanksgiving to all ye americans... live long and prosper in wisdom and peace..
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm 3/4 thru a dvd "Nixon" by Oliver Stone, Anthony Hopkins does a great job as Nixon. You get the wrong man in power you got trouble. BTW how is the American voting public supposed to know if a candidate is a psychopath as Nixon was? That is a big problem with a dumbed down voting public, it is easy to fool them.
Thanks giving
by zeb ini wish a happy thanksgiving to all ye americans... live long and prosper in wisdom and peace..
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm glad the government is repaying the natives, it shows the people running the government have a conscience. That's good news to me and I'm only about 1/8 or less native from my fraternal grandmother's side she was 1/2 or less.
The US government worries me sometimes as I gaze upon it unbiased(as much as possible) history toward people which reflects the thinking of time, and I take heart when a more kinder approach to dealing with people in the way of national development is used.
I have a lot of residual distrust from living through the Nixon presidency and his carpet bombing of innocent people to destabilize the Cambodian government and bring an end to the Vietnam war with horror for USA.
Thanks giving
by zeb ini wish a happy thanksgiving to all ye americans... live long and prosper in wisdom and peace..
Brokeback Watchtower
Well I'm from the US and I'm not too keen on the government's choice of recorded sharing with the Indian population generousity towards people that would latter run over them and use them anyway they wanted once they got the upper hand over them and run them off their land all eventually. To me it is a poor choice by the government, something more neutral would have been better. Also we used to celibrate Columbus day and that guy was a real cruel tyrant. So I think someday they really should. But you never know what type of spin might fffly.
Explain Your Avatar
by new boy ini know this thread has been done before.
however maybe some of the new comers might like to know.. my avatar is the cover of my first novel "your crazy life.
Brokeback Watchtower
Some shaman pic I lifted off the net. Looks like something Alex Grey would do and some what DMT like.
Brokeback Watchtower
More stoned Jehovah's Witnesses (altered consciousness ) the more the tendency to think unprogrammed thought patterns ie-> the more out of the box thinking, bye, bye cult.
The One-Electron Universe | Space Time
by Brokeback Watchtower inrichard feynman's idea.
that's the guy who said if someone claims to know quantum physics doesn't know quantum physics and just shut up and calculate.
maybe everything is just one thing like the mystics claim..
Brokeback Watchtower
Duality or non duality ?
The mystics say: everything is just one thing, ie " Non Duality" where as in the land of opposites(Duality) everything has it's opposites hot/cold, feast/famine, beautiful/ugly, so on and so on....
I think perhaps everything is just a dance between opposites ying/jang and finding the Tao to live better or in harmony with and not against ,, so many ways to approach life anyway I think those that probed the mind deeply in ancient times where on to something and non duality may have been it.
Be Honest in All Things - New video exposes a problem with honesty at Bethel/Construction
by George One Time inon kenneth cook jr. discusses how important it is to be honest when applying for special assignemts.
he mentions health and viewing pornography.
those who viewed pornography during the last year should not apply.
Brokeback Watchtower
I thank Jehovah for internet porn it helped me be brave enough to read apostate web site material and the rest is history like the big bully in the sky Jehovah.
I'm thinking once a Jehovah Witness starts watching internet porn on a regular basis the closer he is to getting deprogramed, the more he will start missing boring meetings, the more freedom of movement it's a down ward spiral that means totally release from the cult.
I can see why this cult will keep harping on porn it's worse then getting a higher education because pretty soon the porn addict will be saying "Fuck you to the Watchtower cult corporation.